one god, one star
The book is written like as a priest lecturing stupid school kids.
Its text uses a totalitarian approach to forward the message, with constantly emphasising, we humans cannot comprehend the bigger and "outer" things - "Thank you God, you made your point, now let me contemplate without your interference. You become more and more an annoyance.".
The principle with new texts like this, including the book of Mormon, is, the authors are astute mind readers what humans want to hear, they cleverly translate their assumptions into make-believe fictional superimposed facets with the goal humans stand with awe in front of the newly self-created Devine human leader.
Summoning up Urantia, its another trick-pony made in Chicago, attempting to rewrite the Biblical history.
Apart from reading the Bible, I also read the Quran, ancient Sanskrit writings and Sumerian translations. I encourage to make the book of Urantia a must read for the sol purpose of free education on any subject. We live in a supposedly free society, in which we can think what we want, and believe what we want. If people find unquestioned peace in the teachings of this book, then the book served its purpose to those. However, my research on the book is conclusive.
No further comment.
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The Urantia Book, v1.2.1