The Urantia is a book that combines science, philosophy and religion. The accuracy of the science alone, including the predictions of future scientific discoveries that have proven accurate, are enough to convince me that this is no ordinary religious tract. Moreover, the approach to philosophy and religion appeal to common sense and have an intuitive, undeniable ring of truth.
There is no author that it is attributed to. It was written anonymously.
This book is not for Bible literalists. However, theres nothing in it that contradicts Christian values nor the values of any other world religion. It is full of wisdom and I believe that we should take wisdom where ever we find it even if we suspect the source.
The Urantia can be approached on any number of levels. It can be read as allegory, metaphor, or literally. But however you approach it there is no denying that there is much life affirming, practical wisdom that can guide you throughout your life.
Moreover, this is not a book that can be read, or should be read, in a few sittings. It is a book that one reads over a lifetime. Ive been reading this book, off and on, over decades and nearly everytime I pick it up I find something worthwhile in it.