The Urantia Book App Reviews

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Encompasses ALL Religons.

I dont understand this "Read The Bible" hubub. Like theres a competition. Urantia book doesnt step-on Christian toes. In fact Id say the Bible is a great companion to The Blue Book. But lets face it, religious dogma has not just been used for, but was soley created for human complacency/ Control over the masses. The truth of spirituality has been chewed up and spit out by religious and scientific Dogma. So get in your karma and run over that stupid dogma! Put it out of our misery.

Spiritual substance on the iPhone!

How wonderful to see the Urantia Book on the iPhone! Yes, its long, but its filled with a kind of wisdom that rings true, if read with an Open Mind. This book is a valuable addition to anyones particular spiritual path. The 4th part of the book, on the Life of Jesus, is illuminating and well worth the time reading. It details the missing years of Jesus life.

A bit strange

If you believe UFOs and space men created the universe, this app is for you.

Since 1979

Unusual circumstances led me to discovering this book in the basement of an old closed used book store in SanFrancisco in 1979. I studied it off and on for many years finding it both fascinating and strange. Its consistency is uncanny and I cant imagine how a human could have written it. Im not a particularly religious person. Ive found it very inspirational. Its one of lifes great mysteries. Certainly little if anything can be said about it before reading it in its entirety. Many lack the patience I suppose.

SEARCH Please!!!

Dear developer pelase add a search feature to this application. Until then I will rate this application 4 stars. Even though the book deserves 5.

Life altering!

So excited to be able to read it on my iPod but will also read the book.

A Great Book In Paper Or On iPhone!

After the fear based religion of Christianity could no longer hypnotize me with misrepresented truth for half of my life. I found this GREAT book during my college career and soon learned that it was the best reference tool for straight As as it grasped a higher universe reality. I have always used my 1955 original published big blue book printed on hemp paper, but this app has put it at your fingertip. Cant wait for a Concordex as I have that search book and would love it as an app!

Its a blessing

To have the entire book in my itouch is great. Its not like I can carry my huge urantia book in my pocket but with this app i can. Please add a search function!

Brilliant wisdom regardless of faith.

Take it as fact or leave it as fiction this is a work of literary genius! Id love to search, highlight and annotate. A clippings notebook would be stupendous.

Spiritual substance on the iPhone!

How wonderful to see the Urantia Book on the iPhone! Yes, its long, but its filled with a kind of wisdom that rings true, if read with an Open Mind. This book is a valuable addition to anyones particular spiritual path. The 4th part of the book, on the Life of Jesus, is illuminating and well worth the time reading. It details the missing years of Jesus life.


Its so sad that this book compromises truth and joins a bunch of religions together to make a mish-mosh of them all. All this does is misleads people and tells them lies. Whats more sad is that so many people believe it. I dont mean to sound intolerant, but the only truth comes from the Bible. I pray that anyone who reads this review will check out the Bible for themselves and see the truth in it. It will change your life if you will let it. Im praying for anyone who reads this review. God bless you!

Man with Plans

This app is great!! I like that I got it for free so cool. I like the convince it provides. Two thumbs up for the creators of this app!!!!!!!!!


The entire book is here, you can even switch to different languages, much better than carrying that heavy book around. If you dont believe what is said in the book then at least have some common courtesy and respect others that do. For those of you who like to study the book this is an amazing app, worth downloading.


Great source of enlightenment! Jesus is the bomb!

Urantia forever!!!

I was 19 when i found out about this book. It has given me love, joy, and the BROTHERHOOD of man, i never had. I will always have this book and this app is amazing to say the least. Im so overjoyed there are so many of us that believe! Thank you iphone! And god bless us all. See you all on the mansion worlds one day!

Jabberwocky meets the christian bible

I discovered this app in a search for "atheist," and Im disappointed and annoyed; its more of a bible/UFO/space opera mashup, and not even a well-written one at that. I havent encountered this sort of self-important silliness since reading Omnec Onecs descriptions of her life on Venus. It takes several minutes to download this enormous waste of time, even with wifi. The only thing that puzzles me more than the glowing recommendations in the reviews is why any developer with enough brain power to develop the app thought it worth the time to do so. It may not be my place to tell you not to waste your time downloading this, but if you do, please take the time to write a review. Its up to us to keep this sort its oubliette.

A book of wisdom written by anon.

The Urantia is a book that combines science, philosophy and religion. The accuracy of the science alone, including the predictions of future scientific discoveries that have proven accurate, are enough to convince me that this is no ordinary religious tract. Moreover, the approach to philosophy and religion appeal to common sense and have an intuitive, undeniable ring of truth. There is no author that it is attributed to. It was written anonymously. This book is not for Bible literalists. However, theres nothing in it that contradicts Christian values nor the values of any other world religion. It is full of wisdom and I believe that we should take wisdom where ever we find it even if we suspect the source. The Urantia can be approached on any number of levels. It can be read as allegory, metaphor, or literally. But however you approach it there is no denying that there is much life affirming, practical wisdom that can guide you throughout your life. Moreover, this is not a book that can be read, or should be read, in a few sittings. It is a book that one reads over a lifetime. Ive been reading this book, off and on, over decades and nearly everytime I pick it up I find something worthwhile in it.

Love the Big Blue Book

Ive been reading this book for years. The only book thats made any real sense to me and for the most part does a pretty good job of not contradicting itself. As opposed the that other book that left me with more questioned than answers. People who believe the Bible is the literal word of God and absolute truth most likely wont appreciate the Urantia book. And thats ok. As long as they understand not everyone is going to accept the Bible as they do. If anything, the Urantia Book can bring people back to the Bible in some way. For those who havent accepted the Bible as absolute truth, they may find the Big Blue Book most fascinating. Perhaps even consider it their new Bible as I have. I can only speak for myself, in my own search for spiritual truth. In many ways it made me believe more in the Bible than I had before. It made sense of the Bible for me. It explained how weve ended up with it and this confused world. Many will claim the concepts and stories talked about in the Urania Book sound far out, comparing many to aliens and UFOs. I say theyre no crazier than the stories we were told in Sunday school. As far as the app goes, I think its great. Just wish they come out with the iPad version now.

For those who wish to see....

This book is for those who seek answers without the filter of ignorance and time. Although bound by limitations of our understanding of All and our language, it is the beginnings of enlightenment. Therefore, all who encounter this will invariable have roughly two reactions; gratitude that someone took the time to explain our history, future and place in the Universe, and opposite that is indifference by those who do not understand its contents and authors. In due time, all will understand. Everyone is welcome. PS: T.S. - Please add SEARCH function, HIGHLIGHT (à la Kindle style) and a greater ability to bookmark (10 is just not enough for such a large book!). Thanks much!!!

The Ultimate Adventure

This book was completed in 1935 and first published in 1955. It provides information about the origin, history, and destiny of mankind. It is richly detailed with scientific and historical information that integrates science and religion. This book reveals the fatherhood of God and the resulting brotherhood of man. It explains our relationship with God and our importance as individuals in this vast universe of universes. The Urantia Book teaches friendship with God. When it speaks of celestial beings these are not UFOs and aliens but rather Angels and other spirituals just as found in most all religious writings. The difference here is that you will get to know them and know about them personally. This book will enhance and lift up your faith no matter which faith you follow.

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